2010 - Old but interesting:
Car-Lite and the Sebastopol Transition Town
in collaboration with Bike Walk Sebastopol, the Farmer's Market, Sebastopol Schools and possibly Sebastopol Walks, plan alternative transportation activites for Sebastopol. Next Meeting: Tuesday, 9/14/2010, 7:15pm, Robinson Rd.
All are welcome to come to the meetings, and volunteers are needed for the following upcoming events.
>> World Car-Free Day, Wednesday September 22,
>> Car-Free Sunday, October 3,
>> Walk and Roll To School Day, Wednesday, October 6,
We are also looking for folks to take an active role in the further development of this committee. We are currently discussing ride sharing programs, driving less skills, public transit and car sharing pods.
Current project:
Making it easier to go to the Farmers’ Market sans cars especially parking. Jim McCullough suggested astroturf and lawnchairs, signs for parking, and maybe some tall traffic delineators and caution tape.